
Press Contacts

Jana Rausch
Senior Manager,
Media and Public Affairs

Barbara Bowers
Senior Manager, Strategic Communications
and Public Affairs
310-488-3994 (cell)

Bonnie Somers
Senior Vice President,

2009 National Notifications
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Barry Olson Notification The Ben Franklin Middle School band entertains the assembly.
Barry Olson Notification
Fargo, North Dakota
December 14th, 2009 The Ben Franklin Middle School band entertains the assembly.

All photos should be credited to “Milken Family Foundation.”

All press photos are 300 dpi, 6" inches on the longest side.

Sort by:  Date  School
2009 National Notifications
Mike Patterson Notification
Advanced Technologies Academy
Las Vegas, Nevada
February 26th, 2010

2009 National Notifications
Jeremy Gregersen Notification
The Meadows School
Las Vegas, Nevada
February 26th, 2010

2009 National Notifications
Barry Olson Notification
Ben Franklin Middle School
Fargo, North Dakota
December 14th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Ann Lam Wong Notification
West Springfield High School
Springfield, Virginia
December 8th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Deania McMillian Notification
North Desoto Middle School
Stonewall, Louisiana
December 4th

2009 National Notifications
Baruti Kafele Notification
Newark Tech High School
Newark, New Jersey
December 1st, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Mark Barry Notification
Fossil Ridge High School
Fort Collins, Colorado
November 20th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Cynthia Rudolph Notification
Hopewell High School
Huntersville, North Carolina
November 19th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Rebecca Duda Notification
Lakeview Junior High School
Dracut, Massachusetts
November 18th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Drew Moneke Notification
West Salem High School
Salem, Oregon
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Kevin Zerzan Notification
Gladstone High School
Gladstone, Oregon
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Tamara Dunham Notification
Van Buren Middle School
Albuquerque, New Mexico
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jaime Crowley Notification
Mt. Hope High School
Bristol, Rhode Island
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
James Flynn Notification
Orville Platt High School
Meriden, Connecticut
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jaime Enochs Notification
San Diego High School
San Diego, California
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Marisa Rivas Notification
Richardson PREP HI
San Bernardino, California
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Chris Brewster Notification
Santa Fe South High School
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Telisa Hadley Notification
Rose City Middle School
Little Rock, Arkansas
November 10th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jamilla Rice Notification
Northside Urban Pathways Charter School
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 6th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Stephanie Judice Notification
New Iberia Senior High School
New Iberia, Louisiana
November 5th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Roberto Gonzalez Notification
Virgil Middle School
Los Angeles, California
November 4th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Ana Higuera Notification
Lynwood High School
Lynwood, California
November 4th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jennifer McCalla Notification
Normandy High School
Parma, Ohio
November 4th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Sharon Dravvorn Notification
Woodbridge Senior High School
Woodbridge, Virginia
November 2nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Kimberly Jakovics Notification
Annapolis High School
Annapolis, Maryland
November 2nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jim Davis Notification
Centennial High School
Peoria, Arizona
October 30th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Eric Dunn Notification
Webster Groves
St. Louis, Missouri
October 28th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Bradley Nicks Notification
Shawnee Heights High School
Tecumseh, Kansas
October 27th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Kira Christensen Notification
Washington High School
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
October 26th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Maricruz Aguayo-Tabor
Liberal Arts and Sciences Academy
Austin, Texas
October 22nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Adelaida Olivares Notification
Del Valle High School
Austin, Texas
Oct. 22nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Scott Pfaff Notification
Gulfport High School
Gulfport, Mississippi
October 21st, 2009

2009 National Notifications
April Hobson Notification
James Monroe High School
Lindside, West Virginia
October 21st, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Robert Ondere Notification
Lugoff-Elgin High School
Lugoff, South Carolina
October 20th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Stephanie LeGrone Notification
Mary G. Montgomery High School
Semmes, Alabama
October 15th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Dilhani Uswatte Notification
Berry Middle School
Hoover, Alabama
October 14th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Gregory Ott Notification
Northwest High School
Alpharetta, Georgia
October 13th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Richard Meserve Notification
The REAL School
Falmouth, Maine
October 13th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Edward Coleman Notification
North Central High School
Indianapolis, Indiana
October 12th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Gregory Lineweaver Notification
Herron High School
Indianapolis, Indiana
October 12th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Ryan Mahoney Notification
Southwest High School
Lincoln, Nebraska
Social Studies teacher Ryan Mahoney receives a 2009 Milken Educator Award.

2009 National Notifications
John Crocker Notification
Ballard High School
Louisville, Kentucky
Milken Educator Award Notification of John Crocker.

2009 National Notifications
John Gendron Notification
Elkhorn Middle School
Elkhorn, Wisconsin
October, 7th 2009
Principal John Gendron is notified that he is a 2009 Milken Educator Award recipient.

2009 National Notifications
Aaron McKinnon Notification
South Junior High School
Boise, Idaho
October 7th, 2009
Aaron McKinnon is announced as a 2009 Milken Educator Award recipient.

2009 National Notifications
Matthew Reid Notification 10.06.09
Wenona Center
Bay City, Michigan
English Teacher Matthew Reid is notified that he is a 2009 recipient of the Milken Educator Award.

Sort by:  Date  School
2009 National Notifications
Aaron McKinnon Notification
South Junior High School
Boise, Idaho
October 7th, 2009
Aaron McKinnon is announced as a 2009 Milken Educator Award recipient.

2009 National Notifications
Adelaida Olivares Notification
Del Valle High School
Austin, Texas
Oct. 22nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Ana Higuera Notification
Lynwood High School
Lynwood, California
November 4th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Ann Lam Wong Notification
West Springfield High School
Springfield, Virginia
December 8th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
April Hobson Notification
James Monroe High School
Lindside, West Virginia
October 21st, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Barry Olson Notification
Ben Franklin Middle School
Fargo, North Dakota
December 14th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Baruti Kafele Notification
Newark Tech High School
Newark, New Jersey
December 1st, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Bradley Nicks Notification
Shawnee Heights High School
Tecumseh, Kansas
October 27th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Chris Brewster Notification
Santa Fe South High School
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Cynthia Rudolph Notification
Hopewell High School
Huntersville, North Carolina
November 19th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Deania McMillian Notification
North Desoto Middle School
Stonewall, Louisiana
December 4th

2009 National Notifications
Dilhani Uswatte Notification
Berry Middle School
Hoover, Alabama
October 14th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Drew Moneke Notification
West Salem High School
Salem, Oregon
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Edward Coleman Notification
North Central High School
Indianapolis, Indiana
October 12th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Eric Dunn Notification
Webster Groves
St. Louis, Missouri
October 28th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Gregory Lineweaver Notification
Herron High School
Indianapolis, Indiana
October 12th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Gregory Ott Notification
Northwest High School
Alpharetta, Georgia
October 13th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jaime Crowley Notification
Mt. Hope High School
Bristol, Rhode Island
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jaime Enochs Notification
San Diego High School
San Diego, California
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
James Flynn Notification
Orville Platt High School
Meriden, Connecticut
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jamilla Rice Notification
Northside Urban Pathways Charter School
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
November 6th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jennifer McCalla Notification
Normandy High School
Parma, Ohio
November 4th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Jeremy Gregersen Notification
The Meadows School
Las Vegas, Nevada
February 26th, 2010

2009 National Notifications
Jim Davis Notification
Centennial High School
Peoria, Arizona
October 30th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
John Crocker Notification
Ballard High School
Louisville, Kentucky
Milken Educator Award Notification of John Crocker.

2009 National Notifications
John Gendron Notification
Elkhorn Middle School
Elkhorn, Wisconsin
October, 7th 2009
Principal John Gendron is notified that he is a 2009 Milken Educator Award recipient.

2009 National Notifications
Kevin Zerzan Notification
Gladstone High School
Gladstone, Oregon
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Kimberly Jakovics Notification
Annapolis High School
Annapolis, Maryland
November 2nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Kira Christensen Notification
Washington High School
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
October 26th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Maricruz Aguayo-Tabor
Liberal Arts and Sciences Academy
Austin, Texas
October 22nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Marisa Rivas Notification
Richardson PREP HI
San Bernardino, California
November 16th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Mark Barry Notification
Fossil Ridge High School
Fort Collins, Colorado
November 20th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Matthew Reid Notification 10.06.09
Wenona Center
Bay City, Michigan
English Teacher Matthew Reid is notified that he is a 2009 recipient of the Milken Educator Award.

2009 National Notifications
Mike Patterson Notification
Advanced Technologies Academy
Las Vegas, Nevada
February 26th, 2010

2009 National Notifications
Rebecca Duda Notification
Lakeview Junior High School
Dracut, Massachusetts
November 18th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Richard Meserve Notification
The REAL School
Falmouth, Maine
October 13th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Robert Ondere Notification
Lugoff-Elgin High School
Lugoff, South Carolina
October 20th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Roberto Gonzalez Notification
Virgil Middle School
Los Angeles, California
November 4th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Ryan Mahoney Notification
Southwest High School
Lincoln, Nebraska
Social Studies teacher Ryan Mahoney receives a 2009 Milken Educator Award.

2009 National Notifications
Scott Pfaff Notification
Gulfport High School
Gulfport, Mississippi
October 21st, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Sharon Dravvorn Notification
Woodbridge Senior High School
Woodbridge, Virginia
November 2nd, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Stephanie Judice Notification
New Iberia Senior High School
New Iberia, Louisiana
November 5th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Stephanie LeGrone Notification
Mary G. Montgomery High School
Semmes, Alabama
October 15th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Tamara Dunham Notification
Van Buren Middle School
Albuquerque, New Mexico
November 17th, 2009

2009 National Notifications
Telisa Hadley Notification
Rose City Middle School
Little Rock, Arkansas
November 10th, 2009